About the Organization

An Academic Health Center within a Preeminent Research University, the health center employs more than 900 physicians across all specialties.


What They Needed

What They Implemented What They Gained
An easy-to-use privacy incident reporting platform and applications to manage business associate agreements.
Privacy Incidents, Business Associate tracking, and risk assessments. Incredible timesaving – able to close investigations in 1/3rd of the time.  Efficiency  generating reports and the ability to see what issues need to be addressed at a glance by region.


The Story

When the new Privacy Officer joined this Academic Health Center, the organization was still using inefficient and time-consuming spreadsheets and faxes to report and track HIPAA privacy incidents, and they didn’t have a viable method to manage business associate agreements.  

After hearing about CompliancePro Solutions (CPS) at a recent seminar, a colleague tipped her off about CPS’s capabilities. She contacted CPS, they walked her through the program, and she said, “It was instantaneous. I knew I had to have it.” Other software that they reviewed in the past was complicated with large learning curves. But CPS’s solution was “incredibly user friendly.” The price was right also. She stated that it is the first thing that she would not remove from their budget.

“It was instantaneous. I knew I had to have it.”

- Privacy Officer, Academic Health Center 

With CPS solutions, their team went from taping together spreadsheet printouts of privacy incidents and privacy breaches to an electronic reporting system that generates the reports with minimal effort. This method also grants them the ability to see, at a glance, what departments they have the most breaches. “It helps the different clinics because they have quicker access to what's going on in their department regarding their HIPAA compliance and identify problem areas and address them quicker.” She can also easily track pending investigation. This is particularly important because they must close investigations in less than 60 days and with CPS, they’ve been able to close most within 16 or 17 days

It is the first thing that I would not remove from my budget.

- Privacy Officer, Academic Health Center 


Client added that on top of the “incredible timesaving” and enhanced workflow, she was impressed with CPS’s customer service. The CPS team responded immediately to her request add an element to the program to allow her to capture and maintain business associate agreements. And late-night customer support request was answer quickly, outside of normal business hours. 

She wrapped up her thoughts on CPS’s solutions, saying “I would recommend the program to anybody.

CompliancePro Solutions